Dear members of SKD Service Ministries,
As a parish we will be conducting a Liturgical Ministries Workshop between the two Sunday Masses on March 17th. Father Ken Smith wants to share with you his thoughts on the nature and purpose of liturgical ministries. He also wants your feedback and questions on these important services to the parish.
His talk will address what is expected of participants, what is the purpose of your service, and how to prepare, perform, and promote the effective conduct of these ministries.
For him to prepare his presentation and to keep within the time constraints, if you have questions or topics that you would like him to address in his talk, send these topics and questions to me at by Sunday, March 10th.
On Sunday, March 17th, the workshop will start at 9:45 a.m. immediately following the 8:30 Mass. I encourage you immediately after the conclusion of the early Mass to seek a seat in the body of the church.
After Father’s presentation, if there is time remaining, any questions or issues that you may still have can be addressed. We need to conclude before the 11 a.m. Mass begins.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation in this workshop and thank you for your valuable service to the parish. It is what makes it truly a parish.
Tom Sweeney
Liturgy Committee