In-Person Instruction Plan for SKD FF Based on the Diocesan Opening Guidelines
Click here to Download PDF Version of the CoVID Plan for Faith Formation
Diocesan Covid-19 Acknowledgment
All parents must read and sign this Diocesan Document and return it to their child’s faith
formation coordinator prior to the first in-person session. Any student without this form on file will not be permitted to participate in in-person learning.
For the safety of all our catechists, students and their families, all parents are required to take the temperature of their child prior to bringing him/her to Faith Formation. If a child has any of the following symptoms, the child and any siblings are required to stay home.
– Fever (temperature of 100.4 or more)
– Shortness of Breath
– Dry Cough
– Sudden loss of taste or smell
– Has traveled to a high-risk area in the last 14 days
– Possibly been exposed to someone who is Covid-19 Positive
If a child needs to remain at home, please email the coordinator for that grade level as soon as possible.
The in-person sessions are on Sundays 9:40-10:50 AM. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to drop off your child. Please be aware that Masses are scheduled for 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM, which will affect the flow of traffic. If your family attends the 8:30 Mass, please follow the arrival procedure in this document. If your family attends the 11:00 Mass, please follow the departure procedure in this document.
As you enter the back-parking lot, Faith Formation traffic should remain to the left. Mass traffic will be directed to go to the right and around the Faith Formation traffic. No parking is available in the parking lot closest to the building.
Students in grades 5-8 will enter using Entrance 7 and go into the Blessed Stanley Rother
Room. Students in grades 1-4 will enter the building using Entrance 5 and go into the Faith Formation area. As students enter the building, they are to use the provided hand sanitizer.
All parents are asked to remain in their vehicles during arrival and departure. To aid in social distancing and ventilation, we will be using the large instruction areas and not the classrooms.
Students are to have masks on as they exit their vehicle and for entire time they are in the
building. They are to report directly to their seat and maintain social distancing.
During Class
Catechists and students will wear masks during the entire session. Students are to bring a pencil with them to complete any written work.
Students are not to share any materials.
Bathrooms are available for use in each of the instruction areas.
Students should bring their own water bottles if they want something to drink, as water fountains will not be available.
The flow of traffic is the same for departure was used for arrival. Parents are to remain in cars. Students will be brought outside by the catechists. Students will leave the building using the same doorway that they used to enter. It would be helpful if parents had a name placard in their windshield to help the catechist to identify the vehicle. For the safety of students, we will only load two vehicles at a time.
Cleaning and Sanitation
Cleaning and disinfecting of the building, common spaces and classrooms, both before and after the program will be completed by Faith Formation volunteers. We will use the same materials that are used to sanitize the Church. All precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of catechists and students.
Zoom Meeting Etiquette
In the event that we need to move in-person classes to Zoom, we ask that parents and students follow the following guidelines:
– Meeting times will on Sunday, as determined by the Catechist. The catechist will email
the link to the students using the learning platform for their grade level.
– Meetings will last about 40 minutes
– Students are to be dressed as if they were attending class in-person and should be seated at a table or desk.
– The student’s camera is to be on, and their microphone muted unless they are
participating in the class discussion
Changes to Sacramental Preparation
At this time, we have not received word from the Diocese about the Confirmation plan for the 2020-2021 Faith Formation year. We will continue to prepare our 7th and 8th grade students to receive the Sacrament. This preparation will include collection of all the necessary paperwork, saint reports, and classroom preparation. One change is that for this year, we are suspending the 20 hours of service requirement and in its place asking students to complete 15 spiritual exercises instead of 7. Details about spiritual exercises will be sent to 8th grade parents in the coming weeks.